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Staying Positive in a Negative World

Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to do things that are healthy. Like, really, really hard. I love autumn because I always enjoy the change of season, but it can be tough to keep my energy level up. Less hours of sunlight, more rain (or even snow!), cold and flu season, and more demands on our time can all contribute to the motivation kill.

Or is that just me?

Anyway, when I feel like I just can't get it up one more time, I find I have to look at myself. It really always comes down to me, at the end of the day. I look at different factors: am I getting enough, or the right kind of exercise? Have I had enough sleep? Am I getting quality time with people I care about? Am I fueling my body properly? Am I allowing positive experiences into my life? Chances are good at least one of these factors is missing.

So then...there are two ways I can go.

1) I can beat myself up, tell myself how stupid I've been not looking after the very basics, and go deeper into my pit of despair.

2) I can remind myself that I am the only one who can change this behaviour, and then make the changes necessary.

Right now, for me, I know sleep is a big factor. So I have to make a conscious choice to get more sleep. It might mean giving less attention to another aspect of my life, but in the long run it will allow me to give BETTER attention to that missing piece when I'm more rested.

As I get older, I become more aware of the yin and yang of the universe. It seems that we can't have positive without negative. It is really up to us as individuals to maintain a balance. Some of the best advice I've been given in my life is to acknowledge the bad, and then "bless and release". Negativity is part of our lives. For some reason, it is a necessity. All we can do is learn how to work around it and do the best we can.

Lastly, a reminder that you are responsible for your health. Nobody else. And that there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. And you can't care for anyone else in your life if you aren't well. Self care isn't selfish. And it's all about balance.

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