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Thoughts on feeling helpless

(February 3, 2017) I started writing this back in November of last year. I'm terribly sad to say that nothing has changed. In fact, it has gotten worse. And yet, my philosophy still stands. It is what gives me hope. When I last left off, I wasn't sure what to say next. Today I found more inspiration. Take it or leave it. It's how I think.

This is not a blog about fitness, but it is about our spiritual well-being, and our health as a human species.

(November 28, 2016) I went for a walk this morning. The sun is actually shining today. We've had rain pretty much non-stop for the last 2 months, so it's nice to be outside and see blue sky for a change.

When I walk, and allow myself to actually be present, I often go into philosophical thoughts. Today was no different,, except today I felt quite inspired by my thoughts and so I want to share them with you.

This past year has been crappy for a lot of reasons - for many individuals and for the world in general. Many of us have felt compelled to try to get others to change their minds on certain controversial topics (of which there are many!) - myself included. At times, I find it exhausting, and I wonder, why do I bother? What am I getting out of this? Are my rants really changing people's minds? I feel so helpless sometimes, when I think about the state the world is in. It's like humanity just refuses to grow.

So, here's where I get philosophical. When plants are growing, they just grow, don't they? They don't look at other plants that aren't growing at the same rate as them and wonder "what's wrong with that plant? Why doesn't it grow like I do?" The fact is, those 2 plants are growing in different environments. They receive different nutrients, different amounts of light and water. One plant may have more weeds around it. One plant may have had something toxic introduced to the soil. I wonder if it's the same with people. That we grow at different rates, physically, emotionally and spiritually, based on the environment in which we grow.

(February 3 , 2017). New Inspiration

Now obviously, humans aren't plants. We have the ability to choose how we grow and how much we allow our environment to influence our growth. But at the same time, much of our basic learning happens before we have a choice; as children. And so that can have an influence on what we learn, how we choose to learn it, and how we sort fiction from non-fiction. I believe there is a massive shift happening in human consciousness right now. Spiritual leaders would likely say we are being tested to a very high degree. We are being given a choice at a fundamental level. Do we allow manufactured "truth" to rule us? Or do we stand up and say "NO! I will not allow my reality to be distorted!" The groundswell I feel coming from the people around me says that we are being shaken out of complacency. I feel it everywhere. The pendulum has swung too far, and people are waking up. The question is, what are we going to do?

We can no longer afford to be plants, growing at our own pace, in our own environment. We have to resist toxic invasion. We have to evolve. It is up to each of us to figure out how to do that.

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